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But in unchanged quality for a quarter of a century!

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Our history...

The legal predecessor of the Company was established on March 1, 1994 - as Bank Security Bt. Due to the increase in service tasks, it soon became justified to establish Bank Security Bizalom Kft. as of January 1, 1995, and as the legal successor of Bt., fulfill the customers needs. The further, continuous development made it possible to develop a higher form of the business company, therefore, on September 1, 1996, the owners jointly established the Bank Security Bizalom Zrt.

Our operation has always been characterized by financial stability, which also made it possible to adapt to the customers needs and provide all the necessary conditions for the expected level of service.

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Why choose us?

During our asset protection work, the primary goal in all cases is to increase the sense of security of clients, customers, guests and employees and at the same time to ensure the complex protection of the given object. This is also facilitated by the fact that, based on the request of our clients, we also perform all tasks that do not strictly belong to asset protection, but can be added to it as an added value.

Fontos a biztonság...

Nem csak partnereink biztonságára figyelünk, hanem kollégáink biztonsága is fontos számunkra. Minden kollégánk részesül a társaságunk által megkötött csoportos élet és balesetbiztosítási csomagunk előnyeiben. A biztosítás díját természetesen társaságunk fizeti, ezzel is törekedve arra, hogy jobb munkakörülményeket biztosítsunk a velünk dolgozó munkatársaknak, a kötelezőkön felül.

In focus...

The Company leading business is personal and property protection, including live security.


In order to provide the listed services, our company has the Police Authority License and Site Security Certificate required for the conduct of personal and property protection activities specified in the relevant legislation.

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BBB Zrt. and Generali Biztosító Zrt., registered in Hungary, have a professional liability insurance contract with a value of HUF 100 million/loss event, totaling HUF 500 million/year, for property protection services.


Our company is a member of the Employers' Association of Hungarian Security Companies and the VOSZ (National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers), and our company is registered by the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 


Our company operates a quality management system according to MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015, an international standard, for personal and property protection, private investigation and facility operation services. We also have the MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system, the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 information security management system, and the MSZ 45001:2018 occupational health and safety management system.


Tradition is not keeping the ashes, but passing on the flame."

- Jean Jaurés -

Knowledge is necessary, but it must be added that knowledge is used humanely.

- Ede Teller -

Perfect loyalty begins when a person does not consider the assigned task, but executes it.

- Márk Csabai -

Our company strives to provide its customers with a high-quality, continuous and complex service. Within this framework, we guarantee the asset security and operational stability of our clients with our first-rate, high-quality services, and we are committed to contributing to the economic results, operational successes and long-term prosperity of our clients.




Bank Security Bizalom Zrt.

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1106 Budapest, Jászberényi út 24-36. V. em. - Hungary

Account number: 12192045-2-42 (HU12192045 EU account number)

Cg: 01-10-043208

Tel.: +36 1 353 9500

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Adatvédelmi tisztviselő: Simon István

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